The Importance of Clicker Training
What is clicker (marker) training?
Marker training means using a sound (a click, a word) to communicate with your dog. Markers have been in use for more than forty years. The method is best known from the world of marine animal training where people need a way to communicate with animals like dolphins and orcas that can’t be controlled physically.
How does it work?
It is fabulously simple. First, we teach the dog that the mark “YES” means he has won a treat. Then we use the mark to tell the dog when he has done something we like.
Essentially: When your dog does what you want him to do—like a sit or a down—you mark and give him a treat. This gives your dog instant, specific feedback.
You can tell a child you will take him out for ice cream tomorrow because he earned good grades today. A dog, on the other hand, needs immediate pointers to help him understand what behavior he is being rewarded for.
Charging the marker or teaching that “YES” means a treat.
Grab a handful of really yummy treats cut into small pieces. Every time you mark “YES”, give your dog a treat.
Be careful not to mark and treat at the same time; the treat must follow the mark “YES”, not precede or coincide with it.
Do this standing up, sitting down, while moving about, indoors, outdoors. Basically, make sure your dog understands that the mark means treat in all situations.
Do the exercise a few times a day for a few minutes at a time until, when you mark, you notice that your dog is eagerly anticipating the treat.
·Don’t give away that a treat is coming except with the mark. For example, be careful not to reach for a treat or reach toward him with the treat before you mark. Train yourself to insert a count or a word before you hand over the treat: “YES”. One one-thousand. Treat.
Marker Rules
Mark only once.
If you mark you must treat.